Friday, October 19, 2012

XV Annual Elizabeth Madox Roberts Conference

Call for Papers

The XV Annual Elizabeth Madox Roberts Conference
April 20-22, 2013 Harrodsburg and Springfield (Roberts' hometown), KY

The XV Annual Elizabeth Madox Roberts Conference will be held April 20-22, 2013, at St. Catharine College (Springfield, KY) and the Beaumont Inn (Harrodsburg, KY). We welcome papers that deal intertextually with Roberts and other writers; Roberts in the context of the Southern Renascence; Roberts viewed from regional and historical perspectives; Roberts and Modernism; Roberts and Southern history; Roberts and Religion, etc. First-time reader response papers or essays of discovery and celebration from new readers of Roberts are strongly encouraged. Conference directors also welcome papers on recently published works by Roberts. In 2012, the Reading Roberts Series published Roberts’ unfinished novel Flood (ed. Vicki Barker), manuscript fragments and poems in Reading Roberts: Prospect & Retrospect (eds. William Boyle, H. R. Stoneback, and Matthew Nickel), and Daniel Boone variants in Kentucky: Poets of Place (ed. Matthew Nickel).

Titles and abstracts are due January 7, 2013. Papers should be no more than 15 minutes in oral presentation. Academic paper sessions will be held at St. Catharine College in Springfield. The conference headquarters is the lovely and legendary Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg.

Email title and abstract to Jessica Mackenzie Conti (SUNY New Paltz), Program Chair at

Direct all other conference inquiries to the Co-Conference Directors: Matthew Nickel (Dept. of English, SUNY New Paltz) at and H. R. Stoneback, (Dept. of English, SUNY New Paltz) at