Thursday, November 10, 2011

CFP ALA 2012

Call for Papers for the 2012 American Literature Association Conference in San Francisco, California

The Elizabeth Madox Roberts society is seeking papers for a sponsored panel at the 2012 American Literature Association conference in San Francisco, May 24–27.

Conference directors welcome papers on any aspect of Elizabeth Madox Roberts' life and work. Papers may also deal intertextually with Roberts and other writers, Roberts in the context of the Southern Renascence, Roberts viewed from a regional and historical perspective, Roberts and Modernism, Roberts' poetry or short stories, Roberts and feminism, etc.

Titles and abstracts are due by January 23, 2012. Papers should be no longer than 15 minutes in oral presentation. Email your proposal to Lyndsey Brown at

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Call For Papers

The XIV Annual Elizabeth Madox Roberts Conference
April 21-23, 2012 Harrodsburg and Springfield (Roberts' hometown), KY

The XIV Annual Elizabeth Madox Roberts Conference will be held April 21-23, 2012, at St. Catharine College (Springfield, KY) and the Beaumont Inn (Harrodsburg, KY).
Conference directors welcome papers on any aspect of Elizabeth Madox Roberts’ life and work. Papers may also deal intertextually with Roberts and other writers; Roberts in the context of the Southern Renascence; Roberts viewed from regional and historical perspectives; Roberts and Modernism; Roberts and Southern history; Roberts and Religion, etc. First time reader response papers or essays of discovery and celebration from new readers of Roberts are also strongly encouraged.

Titles and abstracts are due January 7, 2012. Papers should be no more than 15 minutes in oral presentation. Academic paper sessions will be held at St. Catharine College in Springfield. The conference headquarters is the lovely and legendary Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg.

Email title and abstract to Jessica Mackenzie Conti (SUNY New Paltz), Program Chair at

Direct all other conference inquiries to the Co-Conference Directors: Matthew Nickel (University of Louisiana—Lafayette) at and H. R. Stoneback, (Dept. of English, SUNY New Paltz) at

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Call For Papers: SAMLA

The Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society will host two panels at SAMLA, Atlanta, GA, Nov 4-6, 2011.

Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society, Session I

Elizabeth Madox Roberts: Discovery and Recovery

Papers for this session may deal with all aspects of Roberts’s work and life. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Roberts in the context of Southern literature; Roberts and other writers (i.e., Roberts and Faulkner, Roberts and Yeats, Roberts and James Still, Roberts and Wendell Berry, Roberts and John Burroughs); Roberts and Southern Agrarianism; Roberts’s literary and stylistic influences (i.e., Synge, Hardy, Joyce, Homer, Hopkins, Beethoven); Roberts and nature writing; Roberts and Modernism; Roberts and the novel; Roberts as poet; Roberts as writer of short fiction; Roberts and Regionalism; Roberts and the politics of literary reputation; Roberts and feminism; and, Roberts and Kentucky. By June 1, 2011, please submit a title and a 250-word abstract to Cristin Rogowski-Vita, Independent Scholar, at Papers should run between fifteen and twenty minutes long.

Elizabeth Madox Roberts Society, Session II

Elizabeth Madox Roberts and Poetry

Papers for this session should deal with Elizabeth Madox Roberts and Poetry. Suggested topics include an analysis of the contrasting images and poems in In The Great Steep’s Garden, Roberts’ poetry as children’s verse (especially throughout Under the Tree and even Song in the Meadow), the historic and folkloric—even mythic—contexts of her poems, Roberts as mystical poet, Roberts and the ballad form, Roberts as an Imagist, intertextualities between Roberts and other poets, Roberts’s philosophy on poetry and art, and Roberts’s prose and dialogue as poetry. Papers should run between fifteen and twenty minutes long. By June 1, 2011, please submit a title and a 250-word abstract to Matthew Nickel, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, at